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Essential Shakespeare 

A 6-session course in the necessary tools to up your game in Shakespeare and beyond.


Time & Location


This 6-week course will provide an understanding of the essentials when working within Shakespeare's iambic pentameter. Take this valuable tool set and apply it to almost any piece- Shakespeare or contemporary- to truly up your game as an actor. 

Lessons will include topics such as pitch builds, breath groups, gesture choice, and the proper use of vowels, consonants and liquid syllables.

Walk away from this course with a firm grasp on the art of revealing, music of the soul, a feeling for language and a trained voice.



Classes are held at Westchester Community Church

1840 Westchester Blvd, Westchester IL 60154

6-Sessions, every Wednesday Night 

February 27th - April 3rd

Start time: 7:00 pm 

**Make-up sessions will be offered if you cannot attend a Wednesday night**

Thomas Lindsay holds Bachelor's degrees in Theater Arts and Education. He attend pro-school at The Ted Liss School of Performing Arts. He also studied under David Perry and Jeffery Connors from The Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts. 

Tom is a long-time director, actor, and member of SAG-AFTRA; with a passion for teaching the true craft of acting. 

Offered at $20.00 per session, this 6-week course is $120.00. Complete the registration form below to pay through PayPal. If you would like to pay by check, please email us at

The Kirkwood Players

(630) 456-3372

The Kirkwood Players is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization

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